Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "antonio machado"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 22 results
Antonio Cabana’s masterful writing brings us close to a unique historical period: when Ancient Egypt succumbs before the onslaught of a new order ready to devour their millenary Gods. In the midst of this mayhem is Amosis. Through his life, the reader will travel across the convulsive years in which the three great classical civilizations, decadent Egypt, Greece and the emerging Rome, turn the Mediterranean into a fascinating crucible.... - Read more

  Whoever plumbs these pages will readily understand that the literature of Tomás González has the mimetic power of great literature: that which reminds us, through its characters and language, that life and death are con-substantial: just as there could be no ocean without a coast, likewise, there can be no beginning if there is no end.  Ignacio, the narrator of this beautiful novel by Tomás... - Read more

  A fascinating journey to the heart of Ancient Egypt and the reign of Tutankhamun, the most enigmatic pharaoh in History. After the despotic and chaotic reign of his father, young Tutankhamun tries to bring order to a divided country. The pharaoh is just a teenager and the ruthless struggle for power has plunged him into the most absolute loneliness, but everything changes when a humble fisherman named Nehebkau appears in his life, he has... - Read more

This novel is one of the most moving love stories ever written. An impossible and secret passion, fed for years through letters and wonderful poems, which will stay forever in the readers' soul. Nieves Herrero reveals for the first time the true life of Pilar de Valderrama, the muse of Antonio Machado, a woman who, in the twilight of her days, had the courage to confess to the world that she was the Guiomar that some of the the poet's most... - Read more

What is the flipside of the everyday plot? What lies beneath that apparent calm that occurs day in and day out? When what is “normal” shows its loose threads, it might just very well do so with the tone of the stories we encounter in Monkeys’ Time . A strange wakefulness that colors, amongst other tales, the movements of the village’s adolescents who move about in-between death and their streets; or in an afternoon that... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 22 results
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